andsplat, a blog by Ben W. Fey

Ben is a designer, photographer, musician, artist, craftsman, and blogger. He is the Senior Manager of Strategic Design at CFA Institute and does not like to write in the third-person point of view.
& (/and/): an ongoing conversation
* (/splat/): about anything
The logo
The logo (&*) was a happy keyboard mistake. I was trying to type an ampersand (&) between two words and accidentally also hit the asterisk (*) key. I really like the look of the ampersand and liked the asterisk beside it. I began to think about &* and found that it worked well as a concept for this website.
The ampersand
The ampersand is a way to show that this website is only part of the conversation. There are ideas, concepts, questions that happen before and after the posts on this blog. This is the middle of the conversation.
The asterisk
The asterisk can be considered a wildcard character or variable. I am inspired by many things and the asterisk (being a variable) allows me to talk about several different topics on the same website.