&* andsplat, a blog by Ben W. Fey

a blog by Ben W. Fey

366 Photography Project: July Review and Exhibit Announcement

Day 183. July 1, 2024.
First day of the month. Day 183. July 1, 2024.

I am working on a 366 photography project this year after a creative drought. Each month I am looking back on the photographs I took during the month and selecting my favorite five photographs. In this post, let's look back at the photographs I made during July 2024.

Upcoming photography exhibit

Earlier this year, a local art gallery had an open call for their upcoming exhibition season. Trying to ignore my imposter syndrome, I decided to apply and submitted a proposal around my 366 photography project. This daily creative practice has been (and continues to be) a reminder to not allow anxiety, worry, and fear to take up my time. Instead, I’m choosing to pause, be present, and truly see and appreciate the beauty around me.

I’m excited to say that they accepted my exhibit proposal and I will have my photography exhibit in April 2025. I requested April as it gives me enough time to incorporate photography from the entire 366 project which runs from 1 January 2024 through 31 December 2024. You can find more information about the exhibit on the gallery’s website.


I’m looking to start using my newsletter where I’ll share new posts from the blog and any updates or thoughts about my process and photography. I’d love it if you’d sign up. Don’t worry, I will only be writing 1-2 newsletters per month as I know we all get too much email.

My favorite 5 photographs from July

Day 186
Day 186. July 4, 2024.
Day 195
Day 195. July 13, 2024.
Day 198
Day 198. July 16, 2024.
Day 200
Day 200. July 18, 2024.
Day 201
Day 201. July 19, 2024.

The remaining photographs from July

Day 184 Day 185 Day 187 Day 188 Day 189 Day 190 Day 191 Day 192 Day 193 Day 194 Day 196 Day 197 Day 199 Day 199 Day 202 Day 203 Day 204 Day 205 Day 206 Day 207 Day 208 Day 209 Day 210 Day 211 Day 212 Day 213

Thanks for spending time with me as I review the July 2024 photographs from my 366 photography project.

Have questions, comments, or feedback?

Send me an email and let's continue the conversation.