&* andsplat, a blog by Ben W. Fey

a blog by Ben W. Fey

366 Photography Project: June Review

Day 122. June 1, 2024.
First day of the month. Day 153. June 1, 2024.

I am working on a 366 photography project this year after a creative drought. Each month I am looking back on the photographs I took during the month and selecting my favorite five photographs. In this post, let's look back at the photographs I made during June 2024.

How to edit and share photographs while traveling

With a family wedding and beach trip in the middle of the month, I had to figure out how to edit and post my photographs without my typical computer setup. For this trip, I tried to pack light and decided to edit and post all of my travel photographs on my iPad mini (6th generation) or iPhone using mobile Adobe Lightroom. Do I prefer using my larger monitor and computer? Yes. Did this work better than I expected? Also, yes. Pro tip: if, like me, you have created a custom color profile for Adobe Lightroom Classic, make sure you copy this to Adobe Lightroom (the cloud version), which will sync it to the mobile version of Adobe Lightroom.

Before this trip, my 366 photography project had only consisted of photos that I made with either my Nikon D850 or Nikon Zfc. With the harsh beach weather, I took and posted my first iPhone photograph for this project. It felt a bit odd and I would prefer to have taken the photo with one of my “real” cameras, but I am impressed that we have the ability to use a mobile phone to take usable photographs (and in RAW!). Sometimes your phone is the best camera you have with you and I would rather have an iPhone photograph than no photograph.


I’m looking to start using my newsletter where I’ll share new posts from the blog and any updates or thoughts about my process and photography. I’d love it if you’d sign up. Don’t worry, I will only be writing 1-2 newsletters per month as I know we all get too much email.

My favorite 5 photographs from June

Day 155
Day 155. June 3, 2024.
Day 167
Day 167. June 15, 2024.
Day 167
Day 167. June 15, 2024.
Day 169
Day 169. June 17, 2024.
Day 172
Day 172. June 20, 2024.

The remaining photographs from June

Day 153 Day 154 Day 156 Day 157 Day 158 Day 159 Day 159 Day 160 Day 161 Day 162 Day 163 Day 164 Day 165 Day 166 Day 167 Day 168 Day 170 Day 171 Day 172 Day 172 Day 173 Day 173 Day 174 Day 175 Day 175 Day 176 Day 177 Day 178 Day 179 Day 180 Day 181 Day 182

Thanks for spending time with me as I review the June 2024 photographs from my 366 photography project.

Have questions, comments, or feedback?

Send me an email and let's continue the conversation.