366 Photography Project: May Review

I am working on a 366 photography project this year after a creative drought. Each month I am looking back on the photographs I took during the month and selecting my favorite five photographs. In this post, let's look back at the photographs I made during May 2024.
I’m looking to start using my newsletter where I’ll share new posts from the blog and any updates or thoughts about my process and photography. I’d love it if you’d sign up. Don’t worry, I will only be writing 1-2 newsletters per month as I know we all get too much email.
My favorite 5 (err, 6) photographs from May
It was difficult to pick my favorite five photographs from this month, so I didn’t! I picked my top six photographs (and could probably select a few more from this month. A good problem to have, I guess. This is not always the case.).

The remaining photographs from May
Thanks for spending time with me as I review the May 2024 photographs from my 366 photography project.