&* andsplat, a blog by Ben W. Fey

a blog by Ben W. Fey

366 Photography Project: April Review

Day 92. April 1, 2024.
Day 92. April 1, 2024.

I am working on a 366 photography project this year after a creative drought. Each month I am looking back on the photographs I took during the month and selecting my favorite five photographs. In this post, let's look back at the photographs I made during April 2024.

In looking back through the first four months of the year, I have noticed I clearly prefer making vertical/portrait photographs over horizontal/landscape photographs. So far I have only shared three horizontal/landscape photographs for this project. One reason is a lot of my subjects are vignettes from nature around the neighborhood and the plants/trees have a vertical presense and there is usually a lot of chaos to the right and left of the frame. The portrait orientation allows me to focus on the vertical subject and leave out distractions, hopefully resulting in a more simple composition.

My favorite 5 photographs from April

Day 95. April 4, 2024.
Day 95. April 4, 2024.
Day 96. April 5, 2024.
Day 96. April 5, 2024.
Day 104. April 13, 2024.
Day 104. April 13, 2024.
Day 116. April 25, 2024.
Day 116. April 25, 2024.
Day 120. April 29, 2024.
Day 120. April 29, 2024.

The remaining photographs from April

Day 93 Day 94 Day 94 Day 97 Day 98 Day 99 Day 100 Day 101 Day 102 Day 103 Day 105 Day 106 Day 107 Day 108 Day 109 Day 110 Day 111 Day 112 Day 113 Day 114 Day 115 Day 117 Day 118 Day 118 Day 118 Day 119 Day 121

Thanks for spending time with me as I review the April 2024 photographs from my 366 photography project.

Have questions, comments, or feedback?

Send me an email and let's continue the conversation.