&* andsplat, a blog by Ben W. Fey

a blog by Ben W. Fey

First Anniversary!

I normally don’t write about such personal things, but as I look back on the past year, there is so much to be thankful for that I wanted to share at least a few thoughts.

Ben and Austin looking at each other as they walk down the aisle after getting married

On January 26, 2013, I married my beautiful bride Austin. Needless to say, it was a great day. I’m so thankful to have Austin in my life. She is so loving, caring, and supportive. Having her in my life is truly a blessing. It’s been a wonderful adventure as we figure out married life together and I look forward to many more adventures.

Austin is wearing blue Converse All-Star shoes and Ben is wearing black Converse All-Star shoes

Another thing that I’m thankful for is my health. People say you will never forget your wedding day, but I can truly say that Austin and I will never forget our wedding week. The Monday before our wedding, I received some scary health news. Two days later, I was in surgery. Yeah, busy week. I can’t fully describe how much love and support Austin and I felt that week from God, family, our church, and friends. Thankfully, the surgery went really well (we were blessed with awesome doctors and a great hospital) and we were able to still have the wedding ceremony as scheduled on Saturday (yes, three days after my surgery). Throughout the year, we’ve heard nothing but great news from the doctors at my followup appointments. The surgery and followup appointments have gone so well, that I sometimes forget that I even had a health scare. When I stop and think about it though, I’m so thankful for the many ways God has watched over us: providing a great hospital and doctors, a clean bill of health, amazing support from friends, family, church, work, and so much more.

Ben and Austin are sitting on a bench with matching Converse All-Star shoes

I can’t believe it’s already been one year of marriage. Time flies! Some of the things we’ve enjoyed over the past year:

  • We setup our new apartment together (exciting! and only after several trips to Bed Bath & Beyond / Target)
  • Enjoyed practicing calligraphy (yes, we love pens, if you didn’t know)
  • I learned how to ski (Austin and her family are very patient ski instructors!)
  • We celebrated: two sibling college graduations, several friends getting married (4 couples I believe!)
  • Served together at church (in the nursery and singing/playing bass on the worship team)
  • Added several board games to our collection
  • Had quality time (sometimes over said board games) with friends and family

There is so much one could say when looking back on the past year of marriage. Through the ordinary, the extraordinary, the tough times, the good times, it’s such a blessing that we are growing and learning about life together as Mr. & Mrs. Fey (I love the sound of that). I love you, Austin!

Austin and I put together a wedding photo album as Christmas presents for our parents and grandparents. You can check out the PDF copy of the photo album (15 MB) if you would like to see more photographs from our wedding.

Photography in this post and photo album PDF by Laura Merricks Photography


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